Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli

Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli
Location: London
Nationality: United Kingdom

Public QnA

Can a woman perform amaal umme Dawood during menses? What can she do if she keeps two days of that Amal but her menses stars during the last fast after which the amal has to be performed?

She can recite the Duas yes and anything but the salah or fast Inshallah she gets the thawab for the amaal even if she didn’t finish it

What should one do when their parents are too much scolding to them in abusive language? What sort of behavior they show towards them?

Please watch this lecture

If an ingredient contains pepsin (porcine) 30 mg per capsule is this still considered haram as its less than 2% threshold ?

For this it’s not the 2% but whether transformation takes place. You need to establish this by asking the experts

I follow Ayatollah Sistani. Who’s the second most knowledgeable Marja I can refer to in cases Ayatollah Sistani has ruled an obligatory precaution?

His office usually say it’s Ayatollah Shabeeri Zanjani Other scholars have said Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani

I am a married man with no children. Wanted to know whether it is OK for me to do an istikhara for a second marriage. The lady in question is a revert and of good character and religious. For peace of heart and mind, I would like to do an Istikhara. Is it permissible?

Yes it’s permissible However you should ideally seek the approval of your wife ethically

I wanted to ask is it permissible to keep a pet dog? If so what are the things to prevent I should keep in mind

Please watch this

I work at a store and sometimes i have to stock haram food at the shelves. I try to avoid this to let someone else do this, but sometimes it doesn’t work. Is it haram to stock haram food? (Note: I do not stock pork nor any alcohol)

As long as no alcohol or pork is stocked then it’s permissible

I got ill (fever, etc.) and it was corona. Furthermore I stayed for full 7 days in bed without praying. I pray every day but this time it was normal for me to not pray, I don’t feel any bad and I know it is a sin. What should I do? When I repeat the prayers will it be accepted?

Ask Allah for forgiveness and make these prayers up. That’s all you can do. Try to make a commitment not to miss the prayers in the future

If someone has done wudhu, and is not sure if they passed gas, i understand that the Wudhu is valid. However sometimes i (female) feel something like an air bubble in that area, that may or may not have come from the back passage. Does this invalidate wudhu as well ?

No it doesn’t and your wudhu is valid unless you’re sure that wind has been passed

Are we allowed to say Ya Hu, or is that a sufi thing and we shouldnt say it?

If it’s to address Allah as part of dikr or dua then it’s allowed

Is it haram for men to wear form fitting t-shirts?

It’s not haram as long as it’s not designed or worn to attract attention or cause fitna

I was just curious over this but conceptually what does it mean that God distributes rizq? If I work a job for a wage wouldn’t that mean I’m making that money? If it is the case that no matter what happens I have a certain allocated amount of sustenance then what separates that from what the Jabariyyah say that everything is predestined and that I can sit at home all day and have the same result as if I worked a job. I’m not sure if this is our stance but this is the impression I get reading ahadith stating things like: إِنَّ الْمَالَ مَقْسُومٌ مَضْمُونٌ لَكُمْ(al-Kafi) Full hadith :

Everything belongs to Allah. He has placed rizq for each of us but we have to earn it. So there are two types of rizq. One that comes to us and one we seek. If we work hard the second one is also given to us.

I just wanted to ask what is our opinion on Bi’tha. Do we believe that prophets were, and knew they were, prophets since they were born and that Bi’tha is merely a green light to preach their message?

Yes Bitha is commencement of revelation. We believe they know they’re prophets and are error free all their lives, from birth onwards

I have a question regarding Tawaf un Nisa for unmarried women. Is it necessary for an unmarried woman to perform Tawaf un Nisa or not? On some sites, they have mentioned that it isn’t necessary but on some others they have written the opposite. Please guide me.

Yes it’s necessary and everyone has to do it, married or non married. It’s part of Allah’s plan

I offered two rakat qaza of fajr after zohrayn prayers but I forgot that I had already offered fajr today on its time (in the morning). Can this qaza of fajr that I read after zohrayn (with the niyah of today’s Qaza) be used as a compensation for my earlier fajr salat that I missed ?

If the niyya was for today qadha then no. If the niyyah was for any fajr that you missed then yes it’s fine

I was wondering at the meaning of this verse in the Quran: “O’ you who have Faith whoever of you turns away from his religion (he does not harm Allah, since) soon Allah will bring (forward) a people whom He loves and who love Him, humble towards the believers, stern against infidels, they strive in the way of Allah, and do not fear the scorn of any blamer. This is the grace of Allah; He gives it to whom He desires; and Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing.” (5:54). Specifically, the part about being stern against the faithless/disbelievers. The theme of being stern against these people comes a few time throughout the Quran. It made me wonder: what is the meaning of disbelief? Who do we consider disbelievers (the ones against which we must be firm and strict)? This is more of a philosophical/ethical question than a jurisprudential one (as in I am not asking about whose meat I can eat.. etc). Do we consider the characters of the faithful and the faithless in the Quran in an archetypal way? As in, when the disbeliever is mentioned, Allah talks about the type of people that are on the other end of the spectrum and oppose the character of the faithful (humble, pure, kind, etc). I am asking this question because it makes me wonder if some of my friends (who are not necessarily all muslims/believers) would fit in this category of disbelievers (in the general sense as well as in the sense of the verse), though they bear no enmity against Islam or Allah (swt), nor are they deniers out of obstinacy and false opposition. To sum up, the stand-out question would be: who are the disbelievers? Are they the typical agnostics/atheists/non-muslims, or are they the people who truly embody disbelief (arrogance, hatred, etc). If possible, please provide some other verses or narrations that expound on this topic, or a book/article that speaks on the topic, which is of very much interest to me.

Please read this

I know that it is not allowed that you spent your money because you know you have to pay Khums soon and you just want to evade paying Khums or pay less Khums. But what if you do know someone else has to pay their Khums soon and you ask them to spent their money to evade their Khums? For example you ask them to buy you clothes so that they can evade paying Khums or that they have to pay less Khums. Is it problematic for you to use the clothes they bought for you?

If it’s beige khums date or khums is due date, then you can spend as much of your money as you want to in things that you need. But it’s excess to your needs then it’s not part of the deductible expenditure

I understand that a large reason for the spread of Islam was the amazing akhlaq of the Prophet but could you please explain what was it about him that encouraged such a dramatic shift in such a corrupt society and brought many people to follow him (with the guidance of Allah)? Could you also please recommend a good book on learning his akhlaq such as sunan an nabi? This is the book This Ayeh explains it Holy Quran 3:159 ------------------ فَبِمَا رَحْمَةٍ مِّنَ اللَّهِ لِنتَ لَهُمْ ۖ وَلَوْ كُنتَ فَظًّا غَلِيظَ الْقَلْبِ لَانفَضُّوا مِنْ حَوْلِكَ ۖ فَاعْفُ عَنْهُمْ وَاسْتَغْفِرْ لَهُمْ وَشَاوِرْهُمْ فِي الْأَمْرِ ۖ فَإِذَا عَزَمْتَ فَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللَّهِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُتَوَكِّلِينَ It is by Allah’s mercy that you are gentle to them; had you been harsh and hardhearted, they would have surely scattered from around you. So excuse them and plead for forgiveness for them, and consult them in the affairs, and once you are resolved, put your trust in Allah. Indeed Allah loves those who trust in Him.

What is the proper way kill a fish to make it halal?

It should be taken out of the sea alive and not dead It should have scales

My question is If a person is related to the prophet (a sayed) what does he exactly need to do to get the turban as an example? Or to gain the official title.

The turban is obtained when you study in Hawza As for title, if you can establish that you’re a sayid then you can have the title

I wanted to ask about the origin of reciting surah al Fatiha on the deceased. I did some research, I only found 3 hadiths. I was told one is lacking a reliable chain of narrators and the others don’t actually talk about this specifically so this whole practice may be deemed an innovation. Can you please clarify the situation and provide some sources to back this practice (reading Al Fatiha once for the deceased).

Reciting any Sura of the Quran for the deceased is fine and good to do. For example sayida fatima asked Imam Ali to do this for her after she died. Sura Fateha has many benefits and hence the link

Is one allowed to stalk/spy on their potential spouse? If not, to what extent is one allowed to investigate their potential partner, especially when having seen certain red flags that need further investigation. Please provide me with an in depth answer as I struggle to understand the limits of investigating someone’s character within Islamic boundaries.

Asking about them is fine Investigating about their character is ok but not but spying which is not permissible The exception is if there is genuine fear of wrong doing based on evidence and permission is obtained from scholars General rule of thumb is asking around is ok but spying is not

1) Can women do wudhu during their cycle? 2) Is it valid to do ghusl jumma during the cycle?

1) They can do wudhu 2) Ayatollah Sistani says there is no value in doing juma ghusl during period

I usually make new turbahs from broken turbahs, in this process the used utensils, have khakeshifa on it, so at the end i wash all of them and put that water in plants. but today i forgot to put the water in plants and my brother washed the utensil in the basin . I am really worried on what to do now and scared of the great sin done by me. Please guide on what I can do.

That is fine and there is nothing to worry about

1. If there is a certain letter which I am having difficulty pronouncing correctly and during prayer there are two possibilities for me to pronounce it, but I do not know which of the two ways/possibilities is the correct pronounciation, is it wajib on me to repeat the word twice in both ways to ensure I have pronounced it correctly? 2. If due to circumstances I do not have a lot of time for prayer left for my salah and I make tajweed mistakes, is it obligatory on me to repeat the word even if I do not have much time anymore and I fear that the salah time will expire?

1. No. You must seek help from experts and scholars to learn the correct way 2. This normally doesn’t affect time.

I was wondering about the permissibility of programming a cheat for a video game (this entails modifying code in order to give the user of said cheat an advantage over normal users, like for example being able to see things behind walls, automatically aiming at things, etc.). Would writing & profiting over such a program be halal, and what about simply contributing to such a project like doing graphical design for the programmers of such a thing.

If it’s your game then it’s fine If it belongs to others and it would harm them or they don’t allow it, the you need to seek permission directly from the Marjie or their representatives

This question is not for me, but for a friend who is interested in Islam and before accepting wants to do more research. They asked me to see if being friends with LGBTQ+ people is haram, even if they do good deeds. [In this case, the person is Gay] (both people are male)

Such friendship should be avoided unless one is able to safeguard their faith and protect it against any form of sin. If they can positively influence them to extent that they can help them out of this disobedience then maybe

During the time of our Prophet Muhammad saw Angel Jibrael came down to him many instances. Are there any instances where Allah sent Jibrael down to Imam Ali a.s during his caliphate?

Not for revelation or anything like that. But for support perhaps

Ever since my childhood I have always been told that iblis (Satan) was a separate entity and he is outside in the world tempting us towards evil, while the Mula Sadra work suggests in interpretation of Iblis which is his book “Radd-i shubahat-i iblis,” which means “The refutation of Satan’s deceptions.” In this work, he argues that Satan is not a separate entity that tempts humans, but rather a symbol for the internal conflict between good and evil within each person. He explains that Satan’s “deceptions” are really just the temptations and desires that can lead us astray from our higher purpose. So, in a sense, Iblis represents the negative aspects of human nature that we all must struggle against in order to live a virtuous life. What does Quran suggests towards? is it one iblis is a separate entity? is it two it is a psychological internal nature of ours? or three it’s both?

The Quran definitely says Shaitan is a creation of God who is a jinn. This is undisputed Maybe what Mulla Sadra means was shaitan can appeal to our inner soul which tends towards evil Holy Quran 18:50 ------------------ وَإِذْ قُلْنَا لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ اسْجُدُوا لِآدَمَ فَسَجَدُوا إِلَّا إِبْلِيسَ كَانَ مِنَ الْجِنِّ فَفَسَقَ عَنْ أَمْرِ رَبِّهِ ۗ أَفَتَتَّخِذُونَهُ وَذُرِّيَّتَهُ أَوْلِيَاءَ مِن دُونِي وَهُمْ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ ۚ بِئْسَ لِلظَّالِمِينَ بَدَلًا When We said to the angels, ‘Prostrate before Adam,’ they prostrated, but not Iblis. He was one of the jinn, so he transgressed against his Lord’s command. Will you then take him and his offspring for guardians in My stead, though they are your enemies? How evil a substitute for the wrongdoers!

What is the ruling on praying during travel i.e. if my namaz is qasar and it gets qadha So while I reach my destination, should I be praying the qadha namaz as qasar or full?

You should not miss your prayers and pray in the plane Here is how to do it Yes it should be qasr