Sayed Fadel Elsayed

Sayed Fadel Elsayed
Location: Australia
Nationality: Australia

Public QnA

I am a female who got surgery on my nose for medical and beautification purpose. So according to Sayid Sistani I have to cover my face. But I live in the west and Niqab isn’t considered normal here. Also it is not noticeable like no one ever guessed that I had plastic surgery because the difference is very little. Am I sinning for not covering my face? At the time I did the surgery I didn’t know.

If it was for medical reasons then no. Also, the beauty part is only if it's noticeable. If it looks like a normal nose and with no make-up then there is no problems

I want to ask that source of income like uber eats (food delivery) in Australia is Halal or Haram as a food delivery person, because food which is being delivered is halal and haram as well?

Uber is not haraam as long as your not delivering alcohol or pig related items.

1. I was praying salah with a speed which wasn’t fast but wasn’t slow too aswell, it was average speed, but then my father entered the room and so I got scared he might start telling me that im going too fast etc, so I slowed only a bit, my intention wasn’t to show off but rather to slow down so I dont get tell by my father im going too fast. do I have to redo my prayer and would it be a sin or even shirk? 2. Around 3 months ago I think, I was praying jamaha in the mosque with my friend and I slowed my prayer so I show off a bit, my intention was when I started for Allah swt, but toward the end I slowed down a bit to show off, I didn’t know back then that it would have been invalidate my prayer, but I recently discovered it, do I have to redo the prayer in that case? and would it have been shirk? 3. I watched a youtube video but it was from a sunni and he said it would be shirk, so I want to see if it would have been shirk for me and if it would have took me out of islam for that, it was in that moment I discovered that showing off in prayer is a sin but I am not sure if it would be shirk or not, If it would be shirk do I have to repent and so redo all my prayer since 3 months ago, so do I have to redo all the prayer I did during those 3 months from when the incident happened?

What you did is not consider shirk but could fall in to the sin of Riyaa ( showing off). So do istagfir and remember to pray your prayers for the sake of Allah (swt) whether it be in private or public. No you will not have to redo it.

If I’m fasting and I see red discharge which isn’t continuous should I break my fast and take it as haydh or?

Firstly the lady should know herself if its her time or not? If it's is it has to be continuous for minimum 3 days and no more than 10 day for hayd. if not it will be considered isihatha and no need to break fast.

Last ramadhan I couldn’t fast as I was breastfeeding, I payed fidya for 30 days. If I’ve still not finished paying the fasts till this ramadhan do I still have to give kafara that is 1 mud food to the poor or the fidya will suffice.?

Since you had an legitimate excuse you already paid the Fidya, which is correct. But after the month of Ramadan that excuse expires but they intentionally does not make up the fasts before the following month of Ramadan, he must make them up and give one mudd of food to a poor person for each day.

I have a question. So I’m currently having a conversation with a friend about the topic of Tawassul. I’ve proved to him that we need a source of intermediary between us and the Almighty (swt). However he was asking me to prove to him that the ahlulbayt hear him and he wanted some narrations to prove it. I’ve tried to tell him that the angels convey our messages to them but he couldn’t accept how they could hear thousands of conveys at the same time. Please may you assist me in proving how they hear us

Honestly you don't need to prove anything to someone like that as the have obviously not read their Quran properly to under the topic of tawassal has been mentioned several times. Also maybe they should read this article first and if they are still not convinced, then don't waste your time with such individuals.

I have heard that Halima sadia breastfeed prophet(s) please give sources sayed I am confused and got I a huge debate I personally believe she did but how can I convince others?

Salam I suggest you watch this video by his Eminence Sayed Mohammed baqir Qazwini كتاب الفضائل لابن شاذان لأبي الفضل سديد الدين شاذان بن جبرائيل بن إسماعيل ابن أبي طالب القمي الصحيح من سيرة النبي الأعظم (ص)، ج 2

I am looking to get married. What steps can I take in life as a man to establish myself in terms of akhlaq and deen. Also, what should I do to find a wife, is there a specific ritual or dua or prayer I can do to achieve this?

The Imams (as) have said to simply pray 2 rakats like fajr and ask for marriage to a pious wife who also has good ethics and morality.. Also here is a link to other marriage duaa Akhlaq is like a muscle, the more you train it the stronger it becomes. But the most important part of Akhlaq is to never react on your desires, you have to let the power of intellect rule every decision you make. Don't make it personal. Always ask yourself what would AhlulBayt (as) want me to do in this situation

Is it okay if I do amaal of umme dawood without fasting on 15th rajab? Or will my amaal not be accepted if i do not fast?

Of course all amaal in this month is very recommended with or without fasting

For this Hadith where the Imam is asked if the earth can be put in an egg without either getting bigger or smaller why does the Imam reply in the affirmative? Isn’t the answer to questions of this nature that such a thing isn’t even possible such as a rock God cannot create is impossible. حدثنا علي بن أحمد بن عبد الله البرقي رحمه الله، قال: حدثنا أبي، عن جده أحمد بن أبي عبد الله، عن أحمد بن محمد بن أبي نصر، قال: جاء رجل إلى الرضا عليه السلام فقال: هل يقدر ربك أن يجعل السماوات والأرض وما بينهما في بيضة؟ قال: نعم، وفي أصغر من البيضة، قد جعلها في عينك وهي أقل من البيضة، لأنك إذا فتحتها عاينت السماء والأرض وما بينهما، ولو شاء لأعماك عنها. 11. `Ali ibn Ahmad ibn `Abd Allah la-Barqi (r.a) said: My father said, on the authority of his grandfather Ahmad ibn Abu `Abd Allah, on the authority of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Nasr that A man came to al-Rida (a.s) and enquired: “Does Your Lord have the power to place the heavens and the Earth and whatever is between them inside an egg?” Hence, he (a.s) replied, Of course he can! In fact, He has placed it in something even smaller than an egg. He has placed it all in your eye, while it is smaller than an egg. For when you open it, you see the Heavens and the Earth and whatever is in between them. IF he has willed, He would have blinded you from it all.

Sorry you have misunderstanding the whole meaning of the question and answer. In simple terms nothing is impossible to the creator of all things. What the Imam (as) replies is nothing but brilliant.. The pupil of the eye is much smaller than that of the egg yet all of Gods creation can be seen through in. In other words a small example looking at a large mountain or the sky which has to be taken in by this small organ in order for the brain to visualise it. Remarkable reply by the Imam (as).

I need to make up obligatory fasts from last year, and currently it is the month of Rajab. So can I make the intention to do a mustahab fast and obligatory fast in one go? Or even the other way around, if i make intention to fulfill missed fasts, do I also get rewarded for mustahab fasting in the month of Rajab?

Your intention is to do Qada obligatory fasting but because your doing it in the month of rajab. But you cannot make the intention for mustahub as you have qada

-I am a male studying at a university in the UK – I am at university for all prayers except fajr – My university’s prayer room is not really a masjid – This room is of course majority Sunni – They have Jamaat Salahs, sometimes until our prayer time starts 1) My question is can I pray jamaat Salah with them? Or must I offer my prayer separately whilst they are praying jamaat? 2) What about the position of my arms, and the use of turbah?

1) You can pray with them but not the intention should be Furada. As to be an Imam for Congregational prayers according to Sayed sistani the person much be ithna Ashari and must be just. 2) You still pray as normal . If your referring to them finding out your shia and you feel threatened. Then pray by yourself

In Canada there are many protests happening in support of Palestine. I wanted to ask is it permissible for women to attend these protests? Is it allowed under hijab guidelines? I am asking because there is both men and women at the protest and there is no segregation.

There is no problem as you pointed out that islamic rulings and segregation applies and is followed. if they are not segregated its better not to attend

I prayed dhur prayer and I decided to redo it, when i redid it I realized my previous prayer was better because It had more concentration, can I just make the intention with the prayer I want to be counted as? If not what should I do?

No, this is not possible as you have finished and that there were no actual mistakes. It you want better concentration then do the nawafil before prayers which brings a person closer in intention and heart. You should just ignore it and move on. Next time pray and pray your next prayers. If you think your concentration was not all there this is not an excuse to repeat it.

Many sajdagah have the name of Allah or Masumeen inscribed. Can these be used ? I’d there a need to reverse the side and then the inscription touches the carpet

There is no problems using them both ways up or down

What is spying and how is it done according to Islam?

Simply listening or putting oneself in a place to deliberately obtain information for the intention of using it against another party.

When traveling to Mecca, does one complete full or qasr wajib prayers while inside Masjid al-Haram?

You have a choice, but better to do qasr

I am a nurse and a aged care worker, I support and provide for the sick and elderly and look after them in every way possible. Do I still have to pay khums as a 17 year old living with parents ?

Yes if you are generating your own income

If a company sells its products in the occupied lands, and doesn’t directly or effectively support the regime, but the regime against the company’s likings uses its products in their weapons whats the ruling for such company ?

If the company doesn't sell its products directly to the regime. There are no problems. If the regime then uses it products in their weapon then there is a problem. The company should put measure's to insure it doesn't get in to the hands of the regime

Is Botox haram?

Botox itself is not haraam but if using it to beautiful oneself to that which brings attention from non mahram individuals then it becomes haraam

I want to make a nadhr that if my xyz desire is fulfilled, I will offer all my teenage years qadha salat in one and half year ? Or I cant make such nadhr because i already have to offer them one way or another ?

Such a nadhr cannot be set as qadha of salah must be fulfilled either way and immediately if possible

Please advise if and until when can babies sleep with their parents in the same bed or room? And are siblings allowed to sleep in one room, different beds and if they are of different gender, can they still share their room?

That is up to the parents and there is no actual time frame. Nothing wrong with siblings sleeping together of different gender till a mature age then should be separated

What is the ruling in regards to whether one has performed his prayer in the correct direction (towards the qibla) if the doubt arises AFTER the prayer is finished? Does one dismiss this doubt?

If they find out after the pray that they prayed in the wrong direction and the time has not lapsed they should repeat the prayers. If the time has lapsed they do not have to repeat it

I was talking to someone who believe in God but he told me: prove me that Allah is the all powerful and His power has no limits. I’m not sure how to do so, would you have an advice for it?

The universe itself is a sign of his infinite power. All they have to do is to reflect and ponder on this creation and if there is hope in their hearts they will understand.

My question is regarding the Movie Hazrat Yusuf (a.s). There are so many sunni people see it as forbidden to show the faces of prophets. Is it true if not then why?

Even some shia scholars have an issue portraying the face of a prophet, and others don't as long as it's pointed out that this is not what the Prophet looks like but an actor

What is the key to happy Allah, and how do you know Allah is satisfied for you?

Do your wajib acts properly like praying on time and paying emphasis on upholding the rules of Enjoining of good and forbidding the evil. stay away from sin and you will please the Almighty

I was wondering as well if a wound that’s not dripping blood, but has blood inside of it would require to do wudhu with a bandage over it

No just gently wipe over the wound as to not open it again

I’m wondering if a woman’s *complete* mahr (including the muakhar) must be payed in full upon divorce? The local Sheikh told my husband he can divorce me and I either accept a payment plan for my muakhar– I did not accept this option– or wait till he can afford to pay it. Both options include him divorcing me before paying my mahr off.

The muakhar is payable to the wife when the husband is financially able too. He can legally divorce you but the responsibility of paying you the dowry is on him. That means he must pay it too you at a period of time. If he fears God he will know its a must to pay you when possible. If the shiekh had put a 5yr period and you have agreed on this, then he must pay you in this period or there is nothing wrong with paying it off. Remember this only applies if the husband wants the actual divorce.

Can you do qada of ghusl Friday? I believe I heard before that you can do it qada until Saturday

Yes you can.

I have some Qadha fasts from 2019 only. I heard that one needs to make up his Qadha first, then perform Mustahabb fasts Is this true?

Yes. Qadha for anything must be made up first especially fasting