There is a brother who is committing sin regularly and is unable to stop. He tried but failed after many attempts and continues to ask for Allahs SWT forgiveness every time he commits it. After some time he went to the local imam for advice. The local Imam told him that the sin would be almost impossible to stop. The Imam recommended the brother should get married saying that people with the same sin as his usually stop the sin after marriage and their faith increases. This brother is still a student in a very demanding program which takes a lot of his time, but he and his parents have tried searching for a wife anyway. They have been searching for a long time now with no luck. What should the brother do at this point?
He should try his best with determination not to commit this sin and if he should seek Allah’s forgiveness.
He could also make a nazr that every time he commits this sin that he would fast one day for example. This may deter him.