I'm sorry to say the person misunderstood what the shia Ithnasheri is all about and where it emanate from. Shiism never emanated from deception and it's far away from deception.
1. Ahlul bait are the legitimate successors of the prophet
Reference on who are Ahlul bait in the Quran 33:33 from Sunni books : a) Swahiq al-muhriqa, vol. 141 b) Tafsir Kasshaf, vol.3, page 538 c) sahih Muslim vol 15, page 194 (sharh Nawawi), Ahlul bait in the verse referred to the prophet, Ali, Fatima, hassan and Husein. Kindly go and check the references provided above. Also check Sahih Muslim vol 7 page 122 and Sahih Tirmizi Vol 5 page 621.
2. 5:55: do you know the reason for the revelation? And why do you refer to it as deception. It was revealed in Ali. Check Sharh maqasid fi ilm kalam of taftazani 2/288
If you claim it's a deception, what's the reason for the revelation? Provide me with references to check.
3. Ghadeer is not deception: check the following references: Sunan Ibn Maja vol 1, Sahih Muslim vol 7, Musnad Ahmad ibn Hambal vol 4 etc
4. 33:33 is not a deception. It's real and truth. Check the references in no 1.
The verses you provided here are quoted out of context.