Wa alaykum salam
وذكر فيه (الثقفي في تاريخه)، عن هبيرة بن ميرم قال: كنا جلوسا عند علي عليه السلام، فدعا ابنه عثمان، فقال له: يا عثمان، ثم قال: إني لم أسمه باسم عثمان الشيخ الكافر، إنما سميته باسم عثمان بن مظعون. أبو الصلاح الحلبي، تقريب المعارف، ص ٢٩٤
Al-Thaqāfi (in his book of history) has narrated from: Hubarātah b. Mariam, he said: We were sitting with Ali (as) & Ali (as) had called for his son ‘Uthmān to come, he said to him:O Uthmān, he continued and said: I did not name him ‘Uthmān because of the Kāfir Shaykh ‘Uthmān, for I named him ‘Uthmān because of ‘Uthmān b. Math’un.
Abu Salah al-Halabi, Taqreeb al-Ma’ārif, Pg. 294