Sheikh..salaam. Thank you for your response. I am trying what you have suggested. Also, I have tried to dig deep to identify the origin of what makes me break salaat half way..and what causes it. I think I have identified the source. I now will present to you what happens…and you can advise if and when such things breaking the salaat the solution or does one just continue. Again, I know this may sound absurd. However, I am desperate for help, and I am diagnosing my evils. So what happens: as I told you in my initial message.I might have this impulsive thought of someone being a god. I know its false. I know that is not true. Now in namaaz…im nicely saying prayers..when out of nowhere I might get a thought like this: “you might seek more success worshipping this person x”, any my mind makes a reference to person x only because this was the last thing which my mind had created an impulsive thought of God. I do not know from where or how this thought emerges, but I make myself believe that I was the one who made the thought, therefore breaking my namaz as I have committed shirk. Moreover, I break my salaat and start praying all over again with a fresh wuzu. This is the basis of my ills. I am now seeking remedy as I might be a case of 1 in a million or ten million. Please, can you advise if such thoughts present in namaz, do I continue and act as if nothing happened. The problem is being afraid my salaat would be accepted or batil..that is the fundamental bottom line.